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design rezolution's unique design build renovation process can help. Explore then Design, Plan then Build. And finally, design rezolution will guide you through every step of your renovation from dream to realization.
design rezolution has built an excellent community of freelancers, contractors, and consultants with expertise in many areas, and by utilizing this network we are able to offer the following services under one "roof" with one price tag and one point of contact:
Architectural design
Partner architects where a stamp is required
Full construction drawings
Preliminary / concept drawings
As-built drawings of existing buildings
Space planning
BIM (building information modeling) with Revit
Structural engineering
Partner engineers where a stamp is required
MEP engineering layouts- Partner engineers where a stamp is required
3D renderings
Custom home design
Interior design
Landscape design
Lighting design
Augmented reality
Turn-key design build in Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver, and surrounding areas

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